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Knowledge + Imagination + Entrepreneurship = Innovation


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What Would Happen if the Entrepreneurial Spirit Spreads into the Academic World?

PDF The missions of Universities are: Research and knowledge production Knowledge transmission through the publication...

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Innovation Technology-Push : Mission Impossible ?

Pourquoi l'innovation technology-push est si difficile avec si peu de rendement - cad de succès -, si on compare...

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Entrepreneurs : Soyez des Ingénieurs SocioCulturels !

PDF Fin d'un pitch, je pose la question qui m'est la plus chère : "Comment allez-vous vous y prendre pour changer...

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Régénération des organes : la voie vers l'immortalité ?

Les avancées en médecine régénérative sont peut-être les plus prometteuses pour lutter contre les maladies liées...

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Cellules souches : entre gains médicaux et défis éthiques, ce qu'on y gagnerait, ce qu'on y perdrait

Mon interview sur Atlantico.fr concernant les cellules souches : http://www.atlantico.fr/decryptage/cellules-souches-entre-gains-medicaux-et-defis-ethiques-qu-on-gagnerait-qu-on-perdrait-roland-moreau-ari-massoudi-682377.html?page=0,0...

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Crowd Funding Websites & Websites to Find & Connect with Angel Investors and Venture Capital-Private Equity firms

CrowdFunding Internet Platforms If you do not see your platform, indicate me your website with a short pitch indicating...

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Discovery in the field of Stem Cells, Cell-Therapy and Regenerative Medicine

Based in France, I am a former entrepreneur in the medical education sector (2000-2006) and molecular cell biology...

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How to Pitch Yourself, Your Idea, Your Project or Your Startup

A) How to cold-email me (or anyone else) Hereafter, I copied and pasted the excellent post of Thomas Korte, founder...

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Academic Scientist: Big Pharma is not Interested by your Discovery?

I received a newsletter in my email box in which there was a TV reportage saying: "Cancer is finally cured in Canada...

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Scientists Should Have A Business Education As Early As Possible

The missions of Universities are: Research and knowledge production Knowledge transmission through the publication...

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